Great is His Faithfulness – 46 Years Later!
My heart is overflowing with gratitude . . . It was forty-six years ago today, that I had a personal visitation from Jesus. I could not breathe, eat, speak, see, or move on my own. Eleven medical specialists from different countries offered me no hope of survival. But God had a different plan. After almost a year in a hospital bed, on February 11th at 3:30pm, the Great Physician entered my room in the presence of seven witnesses. With just a touch He transformed me from a confirmed quadriplegic to a breathing, walking, talking youngster. To the utter amazement of all present, my Lord Jesus instantly and miraculously healed me!
Amazingly that was only the beginning! After four and a half decades of ministry, Almighty God continues to reveal Himself in new and awe-inspiring ways. The awesome part of it all is how even now, year after year, Father God continues to energize me, renew me, and teach me new facets of His loving care and His purpose for my life. During the past year, I have prayed deeper, heard the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly, and dreamed bigger dreams about impacting others for Jesus. It’s thrilling to know that as the Apostle Paul said: “… We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
(2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV). Now forty-six years later, my hair is gray, but my spirit is more vibrant, invigorated, more focused, and energized, than ever before. How about you? Do you allow the Holy Spirit of God to refresh, renew and energize you to do Kingdom work? As we mature in the faith and choose to obey the promptings of the Spirit, God desires to maintain an intimate relationship with us. The question is – Will we allow Him to teach us, correct us, cleanse and renew us so we can be clean vessels for the Master’s use?
How do I stay renewed? In my experience, one of the greatest ways the Holy Spirit renews and energizes me is through the practice of daily communing with God, through prayer and the study of His Word. Years ago, I formed the habit of reading my Bible and praying each morning before I leave my bedroom. Similarly, a missionary I knew always ended his day with a block of time reading Scripture and praying- often in the midnight hours.
No matter what time of day you choose, the important thing is to get this significant practice established as an essential part of your lifestyle. If you have trouble figuring out how to master this habit, just ask God to help you. He will help you know what will work for you. The vital need is for a vibrant relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to continue growing as long as we have breath.