Can You Be a Light in the World?
“For it is God who is working in you, (enabling you) both to will and to act for His good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)
In this letter to the believers in Christ in the Church of Philippi, their spiritual father Paul encourages them to develop Christ like humility. Some of the characteristics he challenges them to nurture include:
- Affection
- Fellowship in the Spirit
- Mercy
- Humility
- Taking heed to follow the teaching
- Safeguarding the interests of others as well as your own
- Remaining united in Christ with the common goal.
- Persevering to maintain your salvation
- Fulfilling the purpose of God for you
- Valuing others more highly than yourself
He also reminds them to avoid certain other qualities:
- No room for vain conceit
- No need for selfish rivalry
- Avoiding arguments and grumbling at all costs.
In our day and age, often we remind one another to “take care” – meaning of our selves. One of my beloved mentors, Brother Andrew, who recently entered the presence of His Lord, would bristle at the phrase, and would retaliate with the response: “No, dare to take risks!”
Today, I considered how this passage of scripture could be practically applied to your life and mine, so we can be a light in the world. I felt challenged to focus on the fact that it is God who is working in you and me. It is He who is our enabler to heed His will for each of us, and to fulfill His good purpose for us.
The apostle Paul rejoiced at the potential unity within the body of believers. But he realized the high cost of pursuing the gospel had eased the believers in Christ into small compromises in their willingness to take risks. The church was facing the danger of being fragmented. Only because the leaders were drifting to their own agendas. They needed powerful resolve to join together with one vision, with such determination that they would each gladly suffer. Let’s face it: to let go of personal agendas is no simple matter. We noted a few factors Paul suggested we avoid. Then he turns to the line items of the vision and values of our Lord Jesus Himself, as the exclusive example of humility and wholehearted obedience which is essential in fulfilling God’s work. Yes, as imitators of Christ, you and I can be a light in this world of ours.