“For we are His creation – created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
You and I are created with a purpose. It is the will of God for every believer to do good works that He planned for us before we were born. To become useful to God, we must consider a few questions.
God often reveals Himself to His people in different ways and through a process of stages over time. (Exodus 3:4-6, Hebrews 1:1-2) “The Angel of the Lord” refers to the Lord Himself. (Exodus 3:2) In the Old Testament, God also appeared to Abraham as “the Angel of the Lord” (Genesis 22:11) and revealed Himself with His great power. But He revealed Himself to Moses in His great holiness. This illustrates the various attributes of God. The Bible does not try to prove that God exists. It describes the unique attributes and character traits He possesses. We see some of these traits in human beings because they are created in God’s image. But many traits are unique to God alone. He is complex and multi-faceted in personality, in addition to His moral attributes:
- Omnipresent – everywhere present
- Omniscient – all knowing
- Omnipotent – all powerful
- Triune – three in one
- Transcendent – above and independent of the material universe
- Eternal – without beginning or end
- Unchangeable – always the same
- Perfect – highest excellence
- Holy – set apart; worthy of worship
(b) WHO AM I?
Imagine what Moses must have experienced when He discovered who God was! (Exodus 3:2-6) It must have been astonishing to realize who was calling him to the task of liberating His people from slavery. Moses was overcome with his own inadequacy for the assignment. (Exodus 3:11) This can surely be a lesson to us all. In that moment of humility, Moses received a powerful promise from God: “Certainly I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12) Our God is present and active in our lives. You are His creation, and He desires to express His faithful love and care to establish you in a right relationship with Himself. This is expressed in a covenant promise “to be God to you.” (Genesis 17:7; Psalm 46) Continued in part 2.