“The good man does not escape all troubles – he has them too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one.” (Psalm 34:19 TLB)
Imelda is an older friend of mine. She makes it her daily excursion to head for the mailbox shortly after 1.00pm. She takes great joy in unlocking the little door and seeing what surprise the day has brought – it could very well be a newsy note from a friend, a catalog filled with interesting things to spend money on, or even a discount coupon from a local restaurant, to tempt her to try it. With a glimmer in her eye, “You never know what’s hiding inside,” she declares.
On this particular day, she didn’t even have to rip open the many envelopes that lay neatly stashed in her little mailbox. She could tell what they contained: they were simply more advertisements for all types of insurance. They included supplemental care to Medicare, car insurance, life insurance, home insurance, long-term care insurance, credit card protection, and prepaid funeral insurance. “Having recently turned 75, seems to have announced to the world that I was at the brink of disaster,” she whispered with a wink and a cheerful smile.
It is simply a reminder to each of us that insurance policies aren’t an assurance against any tragedy that may befall us. God’s promise to you and me provides a guarantee that “He redeems the soul of His servants: and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate.” (Psalm 34:22) Imelda was confident that God was to be her companion and guide. She would remain fiducially responsible but refused to be fearful about growing older. With her hand placed securely in the hand of the Master, she was determined to enjoy with gratitude the gift of each day God extended her life – and that was her true security.
Imelda’s “life verse” has proved to add inspiration and security to her life for three fourths of a century: “And the Lord, He it is that doth go before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 KJV)
Today, may your security and mine also be anchored in Christ our Lord.