“Quicken me, O Lord, according unto Thy word” (Psalm 119:107)
The first great and crucial task for the day is to heed the call of God to enter into His presence. There, to focus on Him and reach a happy place in the Lord. The initial lesson to be mastered is not to be concerned on how much you might serve the Lord, but how you might get your soul into a state of contentment in the inner man by being nourished by the Spirit of God. Then you might be better equipped to seek how to serve the Lord by sharing the truth with the unconverted, encouraging fellow believers in the faith, and bringing relief to the suffering and distressed.
The next item on the agenda is to invest time in the study of God’s Word, to meditate on it and have fellowship with God in prayer. This is the time of fueling for the day by receiving God’s comfort, encouragement, strength, warning, and instruction. Search in each verse you read for a blessing tucked away in preparation for the day. When this becomes your habit, it will pleasantly surprise you how the Spirit of God can forewarn you of things to come in your day ahead. This sacred time may lead you into a period of intercession on behalf of others in need half a world away. In these precious moments alone with your heavenly Father, you will be nourished in your own soul and prepared to face your day with all its blessings and challenges. This may also include adoration from a heart full of gratitude, confession from a broken and contrite spirit, thanksgiving for untold blessings, and supplication on behalf of yourself and others. The rewards of your time of daily meditation will surely enrich your soul even in barren seasons.
You may encounter times of struggle to maintain your focus due to a wandering mind. However, practicing the rule of first reading the Word of God and meditating on it will nourish your soul and tether your concentration on receiving power from on high for your day.