“The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.” (Psalm126:3)
The children of Israel cried out to God to bring back the captives. (Psalm14:7) Like the children of Israel, have you we ever cried out to God to restore the fortunes you have lost? (Psalm 126:4) Zion was a sacred Hill in the city of Jerusalem. And a restoration partially took place in 70 B.C, when the Assyrian King Sennacherib threatened to take Jerusalem. He was turned back only in fulfillment of prophecy and the surrounding nations sent valuable gifts to Hezekiah, King of Judah. Following this, he was highly esteemed in the eyes of all. (2 Chronicles 32:22-23) This restoration was fulfilled to a greater extent when the Jews returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon in 538 B.C.
In the days of old, we learn that heartfelt brokenness and humility expressed through persistent prayer eventually was rewarded with spiritual renewal and mighty acts of God. We are assured that what is planted through passionate prayer will bring forth a harvest of God’s blessings in His time. (Psalm 126:6; Job 42:10) Even as we approach the season of Thanksgiving and Harvest Festivals in various countries, I am reminded of the words of the song urging us to “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” (Ps.100:4)
Let us make an effort to give thanks to God and praise His holy name even in difficult seasons of our life. While we are bruised by the pain of tragedy, and our heart too heavy to bear, it may be challenging to find reasons to be grateful enough to praise God. However, the psalmist spells out for us some reasons to praise God despite our struggles. “Know the Lord is God. It is He who made us. . . and we are His people, His well – tended sheep.” (Ps.100:3 MSG) May we serve our God whose love endures forever, and even in our brokenness His faithfulness promises to be our strength.
Today, if you find yourself tried as by fire amid manifold trials of sickness and loss, turn your eyes upon Jesus and focus your gaze upon His lovely face. Allow your heart to respond to His comforting embrace with thankfulness and praise.