What is your disposition


“Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)

In this letter to the ancient church in Rome, the apostle Paul highlights many facets of the ‘Life in the Spirit.’ It is indeed clear when God calls you to live for Him, He provides all you will need in the person of the Holy Spirit to give you the tenacity and resolution for the race, and the vim and vigor for the journey. As a child of God committed to do the will of God, what is your disposition toward others who cross your path?

On the highway every time an ambulance is speeding by with lights flashing and sirens blaring – obviously announcing an emergency somewhere in the vicinity – there is a person I know of who is promptly moved with compassion, and immediately you can observe them call out to God in prayer. Why would you be inclined to become an intercessor for strangers you do not even know?

As children of God, we are called to be led by the Spirit of God. And in times of crisis, it is but natural for us to follow the example of our Lord. “Christ always lives to make intercession” (Hebrews 7:25) and the Holy Spirit “makes intercession for the saints.” (Romans 8:27) These are surely two good reasons for us to seriously consider becoming intercessors. So, the question today is: Are we living such a surrendered life to God that as His chosen sons and daughters, who are sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, He can rely on to respond immediately in obedience? In times of need in our day, we can choose to be heartless or helpful. Our relationship with God should impact our disposition toward others and through the work of intercession to birth miracles from God.

Let us acknowledge the Spirit of God as our “holy guide” as we journey with God. It is such a comfort that we are not alone. He is sent by God; has the mind of God; and knows the will of God. So, as children of God may we confidently accept the fact that He knows the way ahead and place ourselves under His leadership to enjoy the privilege of being a child of the King as an instrument of blessing and support to others.

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