If You Do
“He who believes in Me . . . out of his heart
will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38)
Our Master’s teaching suggests that if you do wholeheartedly place your trust in Him, all you receive from Him will overflow into the lives of others around you. This means His purpose for you is not merely developmental progress but more importantly you are being conformed into His likeness. That involves being expended on behalf of others. Father God poured out the life of His beloved Son so that the world through Him may be saved. (John 3:17).
Let us consider together the impact of manifesting Jesus:
- Before His birth, when Mary manifested Jesus, what a blessing she became! (Luke 1:48)
- As Jesus was manifested, Herod was troubled and sore afraid, but the heavenly hosts did rejoice. (Luke 2:14)
- At the time when Christ was manifested as a babe in Bethlehem, many a wise man came from afar (Matthew 2:1); likewise, when Christ is seen in your life and mine, precious souls will come to us from far off places.
- Shepherds came to see the baby Jesus in a manger (Matthew 2:11); likewise, when we manifest Jesus through our lives, we too shall see many inspired to step out to serve God and shepherd His people.
Often, we find people are not really interested in seeing you and me, or in learning about our achievements and greatness. However, like in the days of old, people still want to see Jesus. “Sir, we would see Jesus.” (John 12:21)
Our spiritual lives need not be measured by worldly standards of accomplishment, but if you do trust Jesus implicitly what matters most is not what you gain, but instead what He pours through you. Let not our ambition be to become plump and picturesque grapes on the vine, but to be grapes from which the sweetness can be squeezed out. Is there a willingness in our hearts to pour out our lives for the one who loved us most?
“He who believes in Me . . . out of his heart will flow
rivers of living water.” (John 7:38)
If you do… here is a promise of numerous others being continually refreshed. So, may this be a season in each of our lives to cease from our self-centered ways and seriously respond to the call of Christ – to offer our all in surrender and service to our Lord and Master.
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