How should I pray


“Pray without ceasing,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

The answer is short. The scripture says: “Pray without ceasing.” As students of God’s Word, there is much to learn about prayer. Basically, prayer refers to conversing with God. It can take different forms: calling on God, (Ps.17:6) crying aloud to the Lord, (Ps. 3:4) seeking the Lord, (Is. 55:6) drawing near to God, (Heb.10:22) approaching the throne of grace, (Heb. 4:16) and many more. Each clearly describes ways in which we can know God, understand His plans, receive His blessings, and experience His fulfilled promises.

There are requirements in mastering the art of effective prayer. Several people in the Bible speak much on this subject. Elijah was one. On Mount Carmel, he prostrated himself before God. As he prayed, he sent his servant seven times to look for hints of an answer from God. (1 Kings 18:42–45) On the seventh time he saw the evidence of gathering rain clouds. Here we learn that perseverance is essential in prayer. Moses, another example, was a friend of God. (Ex. 33:11) As a result of his prayer, God agreed to go with him and the people on their journey to the promised land. (Ex. 33:12) Moses interceded on behalf of the Israelites for the forgiveness of their sins. Joshua was another who developed a deep, personal relationship with God. From his youth he learned to spend time in God’s presence in prayer. Such dedication prepared him to become the next leader of Israel. These people learned the secret of effective prayer and experienced God at work in their day.

We can enjoy the same privilege. Prayer is an art; it can be perfected by practice. How should I pray? “Praying without ceasing” does not require you to keep repeating formal prayers. Taking time to listen to God is most important. Our heart and mind need to be receptive to the Holy Spirit. We can practice these hints daily. (1) Keep the purpose of your prayer time in focus. It is to nourish and strengthen you spiritually. (2) Set a time and place. (3) Maintain a plan: ACTS = adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. God desires to have fellowship with you regularly. Don’t deprive yourself of this privilege. (Phil. 4:6-7)

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