Give your best


“The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14)

There comes a dramatic change when every task you undertake is an opportunity in serving Jesus. The picture our Lord describes here is not that of a single stream of water, but an overflowing fountain. So, to give your best you need to continue to “be filled”. (Ephesians 5:18) Then your precious relationship with Jesus will flow out of you as generously as it has been poured into you. Even as you pour out your heart and soul into your work, it becomes a form of worship, a testament to your faith and dedication. The satisfaction that comes is not from obtaining any rewards, recognition or accolades – it’s about the assurance that you have given your very best to honor Almighty God.

If I find that the life of Christ is not springing up as it should, I need to investigate myself. There must be something hindering the flow. The question to ask oneself: Is Jesus requiring me to stay focused on the very Source so that I may be blessed personally? No, I am to focus on the Source so that out of me “will flow rivers of living water” – bringing abundant life to others. (John 7:38) So, the purpose for you to be a fountain through which Jesus can flow is to bless everyone in your circle of influence. Let us take note: our calling is not to be like the Dead Sea, always receiving but never giving. Whenever the blessings are not being poured out in the same measure they are received, I suspect we can surely detect a defect in our relationship with the Master.

Today, is there anything between you and Jesus Christ? Any failure, pain, guilt, or grief marring your faith in Him? Stay at the Source; guard your relationship with Him. It is not simply a matter of passing on of a blessing or sharing a rich encounter with Jesus. We are called to be the river continuously outpouring, enriching the lives of others within our reach as God’s blessings overflow our banks. Give God your best and He will do the rest.

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