Uniting to share the hope Jesus Christ offers.
ALIVE GLOBAL is a multi-ethnic group of believers from various walks of life, uniting to share the hope Jesus Christ offers. We are committed to serve together, combining our efforts in the power of the Holy Spirit as we grow in the knowledge of God.
We are a non-denominational, evangelical organization of believers from all walks of life, multiethnic orientations and educational backgrounds. Our motivation is to team together to provide spiritual support and education in sharing the hope Christ freely offers around the world.
We hope to accomplish our goal with our two websites: www.nitaedwardsnow.com and www.hope64.com; through our Facebook page (nita edwards now), our ON AIR newsletter, and the use of Chapel events.
The ministry is governed by a Leadership Team made up of a Board of Directors and an Advisory Council.

Our mission is to share the hope Jesus offers people everywhere.
We want people to know there is Power in Prayer through Jesus Christ. By sharing God’s word and teachings, we pray you and your family will grow in knowing God’s will and plan. We pray for our partners and those who connect with us.