Fail to honor, what does it matter


“A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his household.” (Mark 6:4) CSB

These days, it seems honor is not a fashionable word! Might I dare say, honor is all but lost in our Western culture. We are cautioned to be careful that the world’s culture does not replace the believer’s culture, values, and behavior.

Did you know the dishonor of the people resulted in hindering the ministry of Jesus? If that could have happened to Jesus then, it can happen to any ministry now. It is a notable fact, that “He couldn’t perform miracles there.” Mind you, the scriptures do not say, wouldn’t perform miracles there – but “couldn’t perform miracles there.” (Mark 6:5) TLV

The Scriptures require us to honor God and various positions and people. It also warns us against the types of behavior we are to avoid which allow the culture of the world to enter the church community. Such as:

*Being lovers of themselves.
*Being boastful, proud, and scornful of God.
*Being ungrateful and disobedient to parents.
*Being disrespectful of anything sacred.

Have you noticed; people often challenge things even in church? Along with all the questioning, honor is tossed right out the window. But we learn from the words of the Apostle Paul, one of the essential characteristics of a believer is to show honor where honor is due.

“If we live, it is to honor the Lord. And if we die, it is to honor the Lord.” (Romans 14:8) NLT “I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ. . . And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.” (Philippians 1:20) NLT

We can conclude from these scriptures that we are to honor our God in every aspect of life. Honoring others gives honor to God. And by honoring those who cross our path, we may be the magnet that draws them to the Savior. So, let us keep the main thing THE main thing!

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