To catch a glimpse of God


“. . . Reverence the Lord your God. . . walk in all His ways. . .love Him. . . worship the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.” (Deut.10:12) CSV

Without praise and worship, there is no way to catch a glimpse of God. Today, if your desire is for intimacy with God, then you must develop a sanctified expectancy that matures into a holy surrender to the Spirit of God. It is such encounters that elevate the human soul to escape the pressures of the world and be promoted to the realm of ‘higher ground.’ (Revelation 4:1) This is the destination you must relentlessly pursue to catch a glimpse of God.

Biblical praise denotes an overflowing expression of the goodness of God with joy. (Psalm 150:2, 6; Ps.103:2) Praise refers to exalting God above things and all others. The Psalmist suggests that praise and worship go hand in hand. Worshipping God in the splendor of His holiness requires us to humble ourselves before Him; it is a costly step to take. You will find each glimpse we catch of the Master, the more focused our gaze will become. The more focused our gaze on His lovely face, the more we will revere Him. (Ps. 34:3) This is the natural response of a grateful heart recounting what God has done for us in the past. As we grow in veneration of God, we will also become thankful for who He is and His almighty power at work in our life. There are definite blessings that come when we offer God praises and worship. To those who reverence Him and keep His commands, God has promised prosperity forever – even to the next generation. (Deuteronomy 5:29; 10:13)

The degree of our surrender in praise and worship will determine our destiny in God. The lasting value of our service for God is the sum of the dedication and intimacy of our private times in His presence. So, let us give to God the best of what He has given to us. Keeping in mind that every detail of our life is under the Master’s scrutiny, let us persevere to catch a glimpse of our God. As we praise and worship Him, may our life’s ambition be to become entirely His.

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