What then is your contribution


“He who rescued us from so great a danger of death will continue to rescue us – we have set our hope on Him that He will rescue us again. You also are helping by your prayer for us, . . . for the gracious gift given us through the help of many.” (2 Corinthians 1:10-11)

Kimmie had a big project weighing on her as she was anxiously trying to meet the deadline. It was the Annual Leadership Summit 2024 at her workplace. Amid her anxiety, lack of resources, and being short on manpower, just when she thought things could not get any worse, a deer crashed into her car causing enormous damage! It was then that something noteworthy took place. She received two telephone calls and a note of encouragement with the promise of prayer support from friends and family far away. Incidentally, they were completely unaware of her trying circumstances. The Spirit of God was encouraging her through His faithful servants as His messengers of love.

In this letter to the Corinthian Church, the apostle Paul refers to the mighty force of prayer. He was appreciative of the help rendered by the church, through their prayers that sustained him during a season of trial. (2 Corinthians 1:10 -11) He also speaks most confidently of his trust in God’s deliverance from peril. He knew full well that “when God answered the prayers of many,” God Himself would be glorified. (2 Corinthians 1:11) The contribution of Paul’s supporters was the gift of intercession on his behalf. It was a humble gift; a gift given in secret from within “the closet.” The lesson to heed as we focus our attention on the Lord Jesus, is that He begins to mold us so we may flourish unhindered, in accordance with the Master’s plan. He instills in us the priceless gift of intercession, to be used as catalysts in His hand. Thus, through the power of prayer we can become contributing agents of peace, comfort and blessing to family, friends and acquaintances too. (Philippians 1:3-4) Prayers for others release God’s power and activity in their lives. May this inspire us to make this our contribution, to pray earnestly for those in need. (Ephesians 1:16-19)

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